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SÄKAPHEN Repair Materials for Heat Cured Coatings and Linings

Two-Pack Repair Materials for SÄKAPHEN Heat Cured Phenolic and Epoxy-Phenolic Linings and Coatings

SÄKAPHEN's range of heat cured linings and coatings provide high end corrosion protection against an array of wide ranging aggressive mediums. The baked phenolics and epoxy-phenolics guarantee excellent long term protection against both highly acidic and alkali media at elevated temperatures. The outstanding performance of both our internal linings and external coatings covers both immersion and gas phases. These products are applied solely by SÄKAPHEN in Gladbeck, Germany and its international network of authorized applicators.

For a variety of SÄKAPHEN's heat cured baked phenolics and epoxy-phenolic linings and coatings we provide corresponding two-pack cold cured repair solutions. Depending on the size of the repair area, the repair material can be supplied in sizes of 50g, 100g and 1kg.

SÄKAPHEN repair materials are branded as “/RE” and are delivered as a two-pack single container repair solution where the mixing ratio is predetermined for ease of application. The repair solutions are further resistant to temperature fluctuations.

Si 14 E/RE and Si 57 E/RE are the two-pack repair materials for SÄKAPHEN's Si 14 E and Si 57 E, respectively, exhibiting excellent hydrophobic and adhesive properties. The coatings are chemically resistant to aggressive mediums ranging from sour to strongly alkaline in addition to all types of water including brackish, river, sea water and deionized water.

For repair of SÄKAPHEN's Si 14 EG and Si 57 EG, we provide two-pack repair materials Si 14 EG/RE and Si 57 EG/RE, correspondingly. Further to the above mentioned chemical resistance, these repair linings additionally offer resistance to water vapor diffusion (ΔT 85°C).

Feel free to contact us for technical advice.

For any specific chemical resistances, fields of use, technical questions or other lining and coating queries, please feel free to contact us for technical advice.

Tel.: +49 20439470 or Email: info[at]

SÄKAPHEN is happy to support!


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Heat Cured Linings and Coatings

High-End Corrosion Protection and Carbon Footprint Reduction.

Cold Cured Linings and Coatings

Two-Pack and Plural Component Linings and Coatings for Limitless Applications.

Repair Material

Technical Solutions for Localised Repair of Heat Cured and Cold Cured Linings and Coatings.