Tank Lining – A Long Life SÄKAFLAKE Evaluation
SÄKAPHEN continue to provide cost effective lining and coating solutions as alternatives to expensive high-grade steels such as stainless, super duplex, copper-nickel and complex alloys, offering long-term corrosion protection for wide ranging industrial critical assets and extending service life compared to non-lined or non-coated items.
When lining or re-lining static equipment such as Process Vessels, Storage Tanks and Silos, SÄKAPHEN has a solution from its extensive range of both heat and cold cured products.
Amongst the products available are the Novolac Vinyl Esters known as SÄKAFLAKE which are plural component and developed and formulated to provide both chemical and abrasion resistance against aggressive acidic and alkali media including hydrocarbons and flue gases as found in FGD (flue gas desulfurization) and all types of cooling water. Further, SÄKAFLAKE withstands inorganic salt solutions, fuels and mixed corrosive solutions and is available in a specific grade for use in the storage of flammable liquids and substances hazardous to water.
A question frequently asked is for practical examples of the long-term performance and evaluation of SÄKAPHEN’s lining and coating solutions when used in day to day, real life conditions on site at chemical and petrochemical facilities around the world. Below are some examples of the exceptional performance the SÄKAFLAKE Series has shown.
In the mid 1990’s a 1300m3 Open Top Storage Tank was internally lined with SÄKAFLAKE to offer protection against waste water where the pH fluctuated from 0 to 14. The waste water was then neutralized by the addition of Hydrochloric Acid or Sodium Hydroxide prior to being discharged to the drain. As an Open Top Storage Tank the lining was also exposed to the general atmospheric conditions including UV light, a recent inspection confirmed the lining was still offering exceptional protection nearly 30 years after being first applied!
In 2006 an Agitator was lined with SÄKAFLAKE 900 Black 3K a statically dissipative version of SÄKAFLAKE to protect against exposure to surfactants which were kept in continual motion by means of a double stirring mechanism. An advantage of using SÄKAFLAKE is the opportunity to locally repair any mechanical damage that may occur with itself. SÄKAFLAKE 900 Black 3K is specified under ARAMCO APCS 2G.
In 2009 a Hexane Storage Tank located in the Middle East was internally lined with SÄKAFLAKE. During a scheduled inspection in early 2023 the Hexane Storage Tank was opened, cleaned and inspected and after 14 years of service only minor localized mechanical damage was found and quickly repaired by the local authorized applicator, DLPS, before return to service.
All of SÄKAPHEN’s Novolac Vinyl Ester range can be applied either in-house or on-site by either SÄKAPHEN located in Gladbeck, Germany or the international network of authorized applicators. Alternatively, and if required, suitably qualified and assessed third party applicators if contracted to local petrochemical facilities.
All the SÄKAPHEN Novolac Vinyl Ester range are ultra-high solid / low solvent products with a volume of solid (wt%) of plus 95% ensuring minimal environmental impact.